Third-Party Report Builder

The Third-Party Report Builder allows you to take responses collected from one of your Third-Party Assessments, and view them in an aggregated report. 

  • You can view these responses in a summary view with charts, or a table view to see all responses collected
  • You can filter the reports by a specific date range or set time periods (30 Days, etc.)
  • You can also export a CSV file of a report to share this data internally

The Report Builder is available to anyone with the Workflow Manager permission, or the Third-Party Assessment Viewer permission. 

*To learn more about creating and using Third-Party Assessments, click here.

Create a Report

To create a new report, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in and navigate to Workflows > Third Party Reports
  2. Click “Create Report” in the top right-hand corner
  3. Select a Third-Party Assessment you’d like to build a report on and click “Create” -- you either select an assessment by its title, or search for the right one by entering the title of a question or a response option into the search bar
  4. Click “Save” to add the report to your report library for future reference

View Report

When viewing a report from your library, you can perform several actions:

  • Rename Report - modify the default name by typing inline on the report title. 
  • Export to CSV - download the report by clicking the download icon in the upper right hand corner from either summary or table view. *Note - the export will mirror any filters you’ve added to the report from Summary View
  • Report Details - add a description to the report, or see revision history for the workflow powering this report
  • Version History - any time you delete a question, add a question, or change a question’s response type within the Third-Party Assessment itself (via the Workflow Builder), the new workflow version will automatically display when you view this report. If there are deleted questions, or questions with an older response type you’d like to view, you can click an older version under “Versioning” and view the old report. A section called “Deprecated Questions” will appear at the bottom of the questionnaire where you can see these responses included in your overall report and download an export. 
  • Filter by date - At the report level, you can click ‘Filter” to filter responses based on a predefined or custom date range. 

Summary View

The summary view will show a list of all the assessment’s questions on the left, and the aggregated responses to those questions on the right. Actions you can take on this page:

  • Filter by questions - You can type the name of a question, or a question response option, in the search bar and filter the report for those results. You can then export data on your selected questions. You can also use this to search a question you want to filter out, click the eye button to hide the question, and then remove your search filter to go back to the full report (with your filtered question still hidden). This would allow you to easily remove any unwanted questions from your export before downloading. 
  • Filter by responses - On any response in Summary View, click the filter button and isolate or filter out which responses appear. A third party’s responses will only appear in the report if it meets the filtering criteria of each question.
  • Review responses - based on the question type and structure of the data, the report builder will generate a donut, horizontal bar chart, or render a table. For chart-based response cards, if you prefer to see responses in a tabular format, toggle the table to View Individual from the upper right menu. Additional options include the ability to filter based on responses or hide that question altogether. 

Table View

View all responses in a table view. You can filter out responses or questions by first going to Summary view, and those filters will apply to Table View. 

Reporting Sharing

You can also share a report you have created with other TerraTrue users. Select the three-dot menu in the upper right and choose Share Report. 

From there, you have the option to share with entire review teams, individual users, or a combination of both. Note: to view a report, a user will need to have the Workflow Manager or Third-Party Assessment Viewer permission.

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