Jira is a powerful productivity software commonly used in product development. If your product teams use Jira to scope, prioritize, and complete work, you would strongly benefit from TerraTrue’s Jira integration.
Today, many teams try to assess potential risk in product development by attending meetings, chasing down Product Managers, or reviewing new features after they’ve already been released. This reactive approach is unscalable as Privacy teams then have to spend excessive time identifying and documenting risks that could have been prevented earlier in the development process. It also leads to productivity issues and tension between teams as it may be perceived as finger pointing rather than collaborative problem solving.
Our Jira integration solves that by allowing product teams to automatically create a launch in TerraTrue when they start a new activity in Jira. Jira, which is where product teams are most familiar and comfortable, serves as a frictionless entry point into TerraTrue. As an added bonus, you can seed screening questions in Jira to filter out product developments that don’t require a full review (but still keep a record of the request in TerraTrue with no extra effort).
Through the integration, you can ask questions in Jira such as, “Does this feature collect new types of data?”
To this question, we can outline two outcomes:
- If the answer is “no - no new types of data will be collected”,TerraTrue will still create a launch and pre-fill the launch name and description with the Jira name and description. TerraTrue will also pre-fill the screening question, mark the Data Spec as not required, and mark reviews as not needed. The end user in this case will not be asked to do anything further in TerraTrue. The review teams will still get a record of the launch showing up in TerraTrue, and if they happen to have any questions about the launch they can reach out to that end user.
- If the answer is “yes - new types of data will be collected”, then TerraTrue will automatically create a launch, pre-fill the launch details and responses, and then prompt the end user in Jira to head over to TerraTrue and finish a Data Spec.
This allows Privacy review teams to have full visibility into what’s happening in the product development side. For reviews that require additional Privacy review, featuring TerraTrue’s dynamic Data Specs and Privacy Worksheets, allowing you to quickly complete a review without acting as a bottleneck for product development. For both Privacy and product development teams, this is a mutually beneficial process that meets the speed of development and compliance - a win-win!
Your Customer Success Manager can help you configure this integration and get buy-in from your product stakeholders.