The Workflow Library houses your launch creation workflows, both published and unpublished.
An unpublished launch creation workflow represents a workflow that you are still working on, prior to finalization, or a workflow that you used in the past, but you no longer need now.
Visibility and Response to unpublished workflows during intake
If during intake, the response to a launch creation workflow is started, and the workflow is unpublished later, the started response is preserved. The in-progress response is still available for edits and saving. Also, any launches that recorded a completed response to that now unpublished workflow retain those responses.
However, any launches where a user has not yet started the launch creation workflow response, will no longer carry the unpublished launch creation workflow in the intake section.
Unpublished launch creation workflows and the status of the launch
If a launch creation workflow is published, and the response to this workflow in a launch has not yet been completed, the launch remains in "Not Screened" state and does not proceed further. On completion of this published launch creation workflow response, it moves out of "Not Screened" state, to "Ready for Review" if no review teams have progressed beyond their default "Not Started" state, or to "In Progress" if any review team has progressed beyond the default "Not Started" state.
However, in the case that a launch creation workflow response is started for a launch, and that launch creation workflow is unpublished, the completion status of the workflow response is no longer considered in determining if the launch is still in "Not Screened" state. The launch will progress beyond "Not Screened" if responses to other published launch creation workflows are complete, or, there are no longer any published launch creation workflows.
Custom Actions on unpublished launch creation workflow responses
A launch transitions out of the "Not Screened" state when all published launch creation workflow responses for that launch are complete. Any custom actions defined on these workflows fire before this transition happens.
If at the time of completion of all published launch creation workflow responses, there are completed responses for any unpublished launch creation workflow for that launch, then the custom actions defined on the unpublished workflow also fire.
Recall that an incomplete response to an unpublished launch creation workflow for a launch does not prevent the launch from transitioning beyond the "Not Screened" state. The workflow response can still be completed at a later point, without affecting the status of the launch. Should the user complete this launch creation workflow response on an unpublished launch creation workflow, its custom actions will not fire. The custom actions only fire when the launch transitions out of the "Not Screened" state.
To further clarify the behavior with responses on unpublished launch creation workflows, we provide a few examples in the table below.
We have two launch creation workflows:
- Old Intake Questionnaire (which is now unpublished)
- Intake Questionnaire (which is published).
Launch Details | Visibility in intake | Launch status | Custom Actions |
Launch 1 was created before Old Intake Questionnaire was unpublished. The response to Old Intake Questionnaire was not started. |
Old Intake Questionnaire is not even visible in the intake area of the launch details page for Launch 1. Only Intake Questionnaire is visible. | Launch 1 will transition out of the "Not Screened" state only when the response to Intake Questionnaire is complete. |
Custom actions defined for Intake Questionnaire will fire as soon as its response is complete, before the launch transitions beyond the "Not Screened" state. |
Launch 2 was created before Old Intake Questionnaire was unpublished.
The response to Intake Questionnaire is now complete while the response to Old Intake Questionnaire remains in progress. |
Both Old Intake Questionnaire and Intake Questionnaire are visible in the intake area of the launch details page for Launch 2. The in-progress response for Old Intake Questionnaire can be continued at any time. |
Launch 2 transitions out of the "Not Screened" state when the response to Intake Questionnaire is complete. The completion of the response for Old Intake Questionnaire does not affect the status of the launch. |
Custom actions defined for Intake Questionnaire fire as soon as its response is complete, before the launch transitions beyond the "Not Screened" state. |
Launch 3 was created before Old Intake Questionnaire was unpublished.
The response to Intake Questionnaire is now complete and prior to this, the response to Old Intake Questionnaire was also complete. |
Both Old Intake Questionnaire and Intake Questionnaire are visible in the intake area of the launch details page for Launch 3.
Both responses will show as complete, with the "View" button visible to see each response. |
Launch 3 transitions out of the "Not Screened" state as soon as the response to Intake Questionnaire is complete.
The completion of the response for Old Intake Questionnaire has no bearing on the status of the launch. |
Custom actions defined for Intake Questionnaire as well as custom actions defined for Old Intake Questionnaire, both fire, in sequence, as soon as the response for Intake Questionnaire is complete, before the launch transitions beyond the "Not Screened" state. |
Launch 4 was created before Old Intake Questionnaire was unpublished.
The response to Intake Questionnaire is complete while the response to Old Intake Questionnaire remains in progress |
Both Old Intake Questionnaire and Intake Questionnaire are visible in the intake area of the launch details page for Launch 4.
The response to Intake Questionnaire will show as complete, with the "View" button visible to see the response.
Launch 4 transitions out of the "Not Screened" state as soon as the response to Intake Questionnaire is complete.
The completion of the response to Old Intake Questionnaire has no bearing on the status of the launch. |
Custom actions defined for Intake Questionnaire fire as soon as the response for Intake Questionnaire is complete, before the launch transitions beyond the "Not Screened" state.
Note: if the response to Old Intake Questionnaire is completed at a future point, its custom actions will not fire, since the launch is past the "Not Screened" state. |