Importing Launch Workflows

Customers with multiple TerraTrue instances can migrate launch creation or launch summary workflows between their environments by:

  1. Exporting a workflow as a JSON file from a source environment, and then,
  2. Importing this JSON file into the target environment.

During the import step, the validation of the uploaded JSON automatically happens. In particular, the references to TerraTrue entities (e.g., label group values, review teams etc.) used in display conditions or custom actions must map by name between the source and target environment.

Any unmapped entities are highlighted to review and fix, before the workflow can be saved and published.


Exporting a workflow as a JSON file from the source environment

  1. Login to your TerraTrue account in your source environment.

  2. Go to the Workflow library page and click on the workflow you want to export.

  3. In the Edit Workflow dropdown, choose "Export Workflow as JSON".

  4. Save the export on your local desktop.

    In this example, the exported launch-creation workflow was saved as "Ad platform screening questions.json"




Importing the JSON workflow into the target environment

  1. Logout of your TerraTrue account in your source environment.
  2. Login to your TerraTrue account in your target environment.
  3. Go to the Workflow library page and click on the menu icon to the right of the "Create New" button.
  4. Choose the "Import from JSON" option.


  5. Use the file selector dialog to import the JSON file saved from the export ("Ad platform screening questions.json")


  6. Press the "Continue" button to proceed to the validation of the imported JSON. The validation opens the imported workflow as a new, in-flight workflow in Workflow Builder. A validation pane displays on the right side of the screen:


  7. The Reference Mapping displays all TerraTrue entities (e.g. Labels, Review Teams etc) used in display conditions or custom actions within the imported workflow JSON. This section also validates these names against corresponding entities in the target environment that this workflow is being imported into.

    If all the entities are mapped appropriately, there will be green check marks against each of these identified entity references. This is illustrated in the screen snapshot above.

  8. If there are any validation errors in the Reference Mapping, there will be a red caution icon against the entity reference that was not validated. This is illustrated in the screen snapshot below.

    Clicking on an entity marked in red will open up the workflow and take you to the relevant portion where this error is visible and must be fixed. This is illustrated in the screen snapshots shown below. In this example below, you’ll see that the Geography: Global needs to be added to the corresponding Custom Action in the workflow.

  9. Once you are satisfied with the state of the imported workflow and there are no validation errors, this imported workflow can be saved by clicking on the “Publish” button.

    When saving, there are two possibilities:

    • The imported workflow can be saved as a new workflow altogether. If you choose this option, please check that you do not have a similarly named workflow as it will lead to user confusion.
    • The imported workflow can be saved as the latest revision of an existing workflow.

      Additionally, you could choose to publish the saved workflow right away. If you don’t choose the publish checkbox, it will save the workflow and leave it in an  unpublished state.


Saving an in-progress import

As mentioned in step 9 of the previous section, you can save your imported workflow as a new workflow or as an update to an existing workflow, once all validation errors have been fixed.

The in-progress imported workflow (with or without validation errors) is implicitly stored in your browser cache and associated with your session, as soon as the file is successfully uploaded. This means you can briefly close the webpage or navigate away from the Workflow Builder without losing any on-going work.

To resume where you left off, go once again to the “Import from JSON”  (step 4 in the section above) and you will be presented with an option to either continue with the on-going import, or discard the work and start from scratch again.



For the newly imported workflow, we do not support making an in-progress import workflow visible to the org, and have the import process restricted to a single user session.


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