Launch Associations

TerraTrue’s Launch allows for robust collaboration for reviewing privacy and third-party risk. TerraTrue provides features that your organization can use to enrich launches with properties such as title, description, products, components, and labels. Another powerful way to do this is to use Launch Type templates and set a launch type on a launch. 

In addition, TerraTrue also offers several ways to associate different launches with each other. Certain launch properties can be carried over to related launches via linking, cloning, or creating parent-child launches. 

This guide walks you through these different types of associations and what each means for managing your launches in TerraTrue.


Launch Associations

Linking (Related Launches)

Launch linking connects two or more existing launches without a specific qualifier. If Launch A is linked to Launch B, the link is mutual; meaning that Launch A will be linked to Launch B as a related launch, and equally, Launch B will be linked back to Launch A as a related launch.

 Launch linking is best used to create a relationship between multiple launches for easy reference. You may link a launch easily by adding a related launch in any launch.



Launch cloning allows for the copying of key details of an existing launch into a new one, reducing repetitive entry and ensuring consistency.

With launch cloning, you may choose whether to preserve the connection back to the original launch or not: you can alter the newly cloned launch to remove the connection. Launch cloning is best used to replicate launch data for a new launch/review for similar projects or tasks, since it will duplicate a launch’s structure and information.

Launch cloning can easily be done by selecting clone a launch on the launch summary page of the original launch. More details related to the properties of the cloned launch can be found in the Launch Association Impacts table below.


Parent-Child Launches

A parent launch can be used to provide an overarching review, with child launches focusing on specific aspects. This is best used for large-scale projects requiring both comprehensive and detailed assessments across departments, regions, teams, and more.

A child launch can be created, as shown in the picture above, or a parent-child relationship can be added between two already existing launches.

When adding an existing launch as a child, the child launch will not adopt any of the parent’s properties. However, when creating a new child launch, you may choose to use the parent launch’s properties (see Launch Association Impacts table below for more details on what is copied over) by toggling “Use parent launch details”. This information can be edited once the child launch is created also. 


Launch Association Impacts

Launch Property 

Below is a reference table that highlights key launch properties and how they carry over with these different launch associations (linking, cloning, parent-child). Note: since launch linking does not create a new launch and instead links 2 existing launches, its property impacts are minimal.

Launch Properties





Default Behavior: New launch will display “Copy of” + [original launch title]

Can be optionally prefilled (via toggle) in the creation dialog and edited before creation. Pre-fill appears as: ““Child of [original launch title]”


Carries over

Can be optionally prefilled (via toggle) in the creation dialog and edited before creation.


Carries over

Carries over 


Carries over

Carries over 


Carries over

Carries over 

Launch Type

Carries over

Carries over 

Note: Third party launch types will carry over the original launch’s listed third party.

Release Date

Same as new launch

Can be optionally prefilled (via toggle) in the creation dialog and edited before creation.





Related Launches

The connected launches will link to one another.

Personal Note


Review Team Statuses

Review Team Assignee


Prefilled automatically (never auto-completed)

Optionally carried over during child launch creation. 

Note: This is not prefilled as carrying over in the creation dialog. If carried over, it is never auto-completed.

Data Spec

Prefilled automatically (never auto-completed)

Optionally carried over during child launch creation. 

Note: This is not prefilled as carrying over in the creation dialog. If carried over, it is never auto-completed.

Summary Workflows

Pre-filled automatically (never auto-completed)

Optionally carried over during child launch creation. 

Note: This is not prefilled as carrying over in the creation dialog. If carried over, it is never auto-completed.

Privacy Worksheet



Launch Behavior

This second table compares the specific behavior between the launch actions.

Behavior Linking Cloning Parent-Child
Creation of the new launch is possible in all states except ….

Deleted (soft)

When Launch is in NOT_SCREENED

Deleted (soft)

When Launch is in NOT_SCREENED

Propagation of state changes made in the original launch after creation

No No
Notifications of any state changes made to original launch after creation

No No
Easily view diffs between original launch and the created launch No No No
Can create multiple launches with this action? Yes Yes Yes, multiple children (siblings) can be created 
Can create a 3rd generation (A → B → C)? Yes Yes No (no grandchildren)
Two independent launches already exist. Can we associate this relationship between them? (Use case: Jira triggered launches) Yes (this is the core use case of linked launches) No Yes, but cannot associate a Rejected launch as Parent.
Can the user delete the originating launch? Yes Yes Yes only if all the children have been deleted
Can the user delete the created launch? Yes Yes Yes
Launch Details View Related launches display in right pane “Cloned from” shows up in the right panel of the cloned launch. Originating launch will have no reference.. Lineage shown in the launch details in both parent and child.
Launchpad View No effect No effect Parent/child tags display on the launch row, if parent or a child
Privacy Central No effect No effect – treated as a new launch

No effect - Treated as a new launch.

In Deep Dive launch tables, Parent/child tags display on the launch row, if parent or a child

ROPA No effect No effect - treated as a new launch No

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: If I clone a launch, will the review teams from the original launch carry over?

  • A: No, review teams in a cloned launch are determined by the Launch Type template, and any custom additions need to be re-applied.

Q: Can I change a launch property value, such as the launch title, description, product, label, or component after a launch is created?

  • A: Yes, these values can be modified at any time, ensuring your launch organization reflects current needs.

Q: How can I filter launches by these properties?

  • A: Use the search field to search launch titles (description can’t be searchable at this point in time) and filters in Launchpad and Privacy Central views to view launches by product, component, label, or type.


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