Uploading and Managing External ROPAs in TerraTrue (Imported ROPA)

The ROPA Import feature allows Privacy Managers to streamline management of Records of Processing Activities (ROPAs) directly in TerraTrue by uploading past records that weren’t created in TerraTrue, using a CSV file. Below is a comprehensive guide to help you navigate and use this new capability.


Where to Find “Upload ROPA”

The Upload ROPA functionality is located in Privacy Central > ROPA > Imported ROPA. This new section is part of an updated information architecture. You’ll find this area provides a streamlined way to compare your uploaded ROPA entries vs. the entries that are automatically compiled through Launches with completed Privacy Worksheets..


Key Features of Upload ROPA

  • Data Source Differentiation: Upload ROPAs are treated as a distinct data source, separate from Launch-based ROPAs. These views remain independent and are not merged.
  • CSV Upload: Privacy Managers can upload CSV files containing ROPA data
  • View and Edit Data: Uploaded data appears in a table format with the ability to:
    • Search keywords, filter, and group data by specific columns.
    • Add, edit, or delete rows.
  • Audit History: All upload and edit actions are logged for audit purposes, ensuring traceability.
  • Download Capability: You can download your uploaded ROPA table as a CSV file for offline use.


Step-by-Step Guide: Uploading a new ROPA


  1. Navigate to: Go to Privacy Central > ROPA > Imported ROPA and click “Upload Spreadsheet” to begin uploading your ROPA.
  1. Upload Your CSV: Name your ROPA, optionally select the type of ROPA, then place your ROPA by browsing or dragging and dropping your CSV file. 
    • Ensure your file includes:
      1. A "Purpose of Processing" column for Controller ROPAs.
      2. A "Categories of Processing" column for Processor ROPAs.
      3. Note: Missing values in these mandatory columns will result in an error.
    • Ensure your file cells are going to have no issues with a max 255 character limit for a single cell value of 255 characters or for each multiple cell value of 255.
      1. Note: Each value exceeding 255 characters will be truncated to 252 characters with a “...” at the end to easily identify truncated values.
  1. Configure Uploaded Data: Adjust the column ordering, identify whether a cell is a single value or a multiple value cell, and if a cell is multiple value, the delimiter identifier (most commonly used is a ,). Note: Please ensure that your spreadsheet is cleaned up to ensure proper configuration.
  1. Confirm Import: Confirm the import of your spreadsheet by clicking “Import Spreadsheet”. Please note it may take some time for your spreadsheet to process. You will receive an email once the import is complete. Once you receive the email, you may refresh the page to see the uploaded spreadsheet in TerraTrue.

Note: if there is an error in the upload process, you may need to import the remaining rows that were not uploaded or delete and reupload the entire spreadsheet. 


Step-by-Step Guide: Editing a Cell

  1. Click on a cell.
    • If a single entry value, type in new value or edit existing value

  • If a multiple entry value, select an existing value or add in a new value

  • The select field will be search as you type, and if there are 0 results, users may press return to add new value.
  • The new value will now be stored for that column / field and can be used again.
  • Once you finish making edits, please be sure to click Save Changes that appear at the bottom of the page to make the changes permanent.


Step-by-Step Guide: Adding a row

  1. Click the “Add Rows” button on the top ride side of your ROPA spreadsheet on TerraTrue

  1. Drag and drop or browse and select your CSV file. 
    • Note: please ensure the column headers are the same and in the same order of your initial upload. If you need to have columns, you will need to delete and reupload your spreadsheet.

  1. Configure your spreadsheet row range by selecting which row the new data to be entered into the ROPA starts.

  1. Confirm the import of your spreadsheet by clicking “Import Spreadsheet”. Please note it may take some time for your spreadsheet to process. You will receive an email once the import is complete. Once you receive the email, you may refresh the page to see the uploaded spreadsheet in TerraTrue.


Step-by-Step Guide: Deleting a ROPA

  1. Deleting a Row
    • To delete a row, click on the more menu to the right of each row. Select “Delete row”.

  1. Deleting the entire ROPA Spreadsheet
    • Prior to deleting the spreadsheet, download a copy of your ROPA (see instructions below)
    • Click the more menu on the top ride side of your ROPA spreadsheet on TerraTrue and select the “Delete ROPA” option on the dropdown menu.

  • Delete the ROPA in TerraTrue by confirming the deletion. Please note: once the ROPA spreadsheet is deleted, you may not recover it.


Step-by-Step Guide: Downloading a ROPA (Export)

  1. On the top ride side of your ROPA spreadsheet on TerraTrue and select the download icon.
    • Note: It is recommended you download a ROPA export prior to deleting it.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who can use the Upload ROPA feature?
Only users with the Privacy Manager role have the ability to create, edit, or delete Upload ROPA entries.

2. Can I add new rows to the existing spreadsheet?
Yes, each upload appends new rows to the existing table. Note: Duplicate entries are not automatically reconciled.

3. What happens if I upload new rows with different columns from the original upload?
Any additional columns in your CSV are not recognized and column formats must remain the same to ensure proper appending to the current dataset. If you need to add a different column structure, you will need to delete the sheet and reupload a new spreadsheet to create a brand new ROPA structure.


Upcoming Enhancements

Future updates will include deeper integration with TerraTrue's workflows. For further assistance, please contact TerraTrue at hello@terratrue.com.

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