What is auto-onboarding?
Auto-onboarding is an opt-in feature provided with the Google Sign-In authentication method that simplifies the provisioning of users in a given enterprise. Specifically, the feature allows TerraTrue to automatically add new users in an enterprise under certain conditions, during their first login. It is intended to reduce the need for administrators to manually add new users.
How do enterprises opt-in to auto-onboarding?
The only way to opt-in at the moment is for an administrator to communicate with us directly and request that this feature be turned on for their organization. There is no U/I functionality to activate or disable this feature directly. By the same vein, an administrator who no longer wants auto-onboarding, can communicate with us directly and request that we disable this feature. No existing user account loss occurs when this feature is disabled.
What capabilities are assigned to users when they are auto-onboarded?
Auto-onboarded users are given basic privileges only. To enable administrative rights or power-user privileges, an administrator must manually enable those settings per user after they were initially onboarded. Refer to Identity and Access Management for more information on access and permissions.
Which users are auto-onboarded?
For a user to be auto-onboarded they must satisfy the following conditions:
- The user must be part of the configured organization email domain. In other words, the domain of their Google email address must match the domain configured for that enterprise.
- An account with that email address must not have previously existed and been deleted. This is to help ensure that if an administrator deletes a user account, that user cannot re-create a new account at their next login.
Can an administrator control which users are auto-onboarded?
No. Administrators can request to be opted-in to this feature but it is an-all-or nothing feature. Any new login from the organization’s email domain will trigger a new user provisioning.
Can auto-onboarded accounts be subsequently managed through org settings?
Yes. Once a user account is auto-onboarded, they behave like any other user account and can be edited or deleted by an administrator.
Can an administrator manually add new users when auto-onboarding is active?
Yes. An administrator can still manually add new users with auto-onboarding enabled. This is particularly useful when an administrator needs to add users outside of their email domain.