Launches are the primary way to track products, features, and processes that need review. TerraTrue lets you quickly see and filter all of your org’s launches when you first log in — we call this page the Launchpad. From the Launchpad, you can create a launch by clicking the Create Launch button. You can also create launches via email or one of our integrations like Slack or Jira.
You’re only required to provide a title and due date when creating a launch, but you can add other information to speed up privacy reviews and keep yourself organized:
- Supporting URLs link to external resources, like product specs, design mocks, related launches, and any other information that will help with the privacy review. Give your link a name (like “Product Spec”) and simply paste in the URL. Adding external design documents is especially helpful if your privacy team completes Data Specs.
- Labels help you filter and organize launches across TerraTrue so you can quickly find the information you need. Your org’s admin will need to set up labels before you can use them.
- Components provide an additional way to group together launches that share common functionality or purpose. Like with labels, your org’s admin will need to define these first.
- Personal notes are your-eyes-only thoughts, reminders, and musings about the launch.
Launch creation tips
- Don’t limit yourself to new products and features. TerraTrue customers use launches to track and review changes to existing products, new data sharing agreements, data collection for employee benefits, new vendors, and more.
- Keep it simple. Complex launches can take more time for teams to review. If your launch has more than 3 or 4 new data uses, consider splitting it into smaller launches — your privacy team will thank you! For example, instead of making one big launch for a new mobile application, you should make separate launches for core features and functionality (like registration, content recommendations, etc.).
- Better safe than sorry. If you’re not sure if you need a privacy review, create a launch anyway. It’s easy for reviewers to say a privacy review isn’t necessary, and they’ll appreciate you making sure nothing slips through the cracks!