Configuring and using components

Components provide an additional, highly customizable way to group launches that share common functionality or purpose, and can be used like labels to find launches across TerraTrue. Components can help organize your launches and is filterable. 


You can associate new launches with a component on the Add New Launch page. For existing launches, components can be selected by selecting a component on the right side panel on the launch summary page.


Managing a component

Admin users may be able to manage the organization's components in Settings > Components.


In order to create components, admin users can:

  1. Visit Settings > Components
  2. Click Create New
  3. Name your component and click Save. The component will appear in your components list, and will surface as an option when new launches are created

In order to delete components, admin users can:

  1. Visit Settings > Components
  2. Select the three-dot menu next to the component you'd like to delete
  3. In the menu, click Delete. The component will be permanently deleted and will no longer appear as an option on future launches.

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